Monday, October 17, 2011


A few weeks ago I absconded back home for a bit.  The time away from Long Island and the studio was well needed.  Not to get too cheesy or emotional, I was able to gain enough energy from family and friends to get me through to my thesis show in November.  Another really wonderful moment from home was finally sharing my current work with Dad.  The basis of the work is directly related to him, his former profession in coal mining and all of the emotional, physical, and sociological ramifications of the industry.  

Sophie Vader imploring me not to leave. 
**Side note here is the DVE ( a Pittsburgh Radio Station) that is Sophie's namesake.  Our kitty Otis, was named for, well, Otis in the skit, too.

Here are a few shots of some deer in the neighbor's yard.  Kinda tough to spot them through the rain drops;  there were six total roaming through the blueberry bushes looking for dinner.  We like to think Sophie has a distant relationship to the deer...she has the snout and ears of a deer, also she likes to curl up like one just kicking it in the brush.

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