Saturday, August 20, 2011

Geeking out

Over the past week I've amassed several yards of authentically vintage and vintage-inspired fabrics for a new canary project. Considering the innumerable amount cutting I have to do for the piece, I invested in a new scissor. This scissor isn't your garden variety Fiskars, rather a gleaming chrome and gold plated 8 inch dressmaker's shear from Gingher...the Cadillac of cutting implements. I think they look quite stunning with my new fabrics. The scissor cuts through several layers of fabric and most likely fingers too, though I'm not willing to test that hypothesis.

Here is a full detail of my favorite vintage print I've come across. This small swath of fabric came from a collection of six other prints from Ebay. The purveyor of the prints sells end cuts from fabric bolts, so not enough to sell as a yard or even a quilter's fat quarter (quarter yard cuts). Sadly, I couldn't get as much out of this piece as I would have liked and will probably spend several insomnia-filled nights searching for another piece.

Oh, and the amount of cutting I have to do really isn't innumerable, I can do a quick calculation on all of the cut pieces I need for the project. The number is easily in the mid thousands, but to know the exact count might paralyze me with doubt. So, for now, the number will stand as an educated estimate of the mid thousands.

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